Our lending offer

We offer low cost finance to local authorities delivering economic infrastructure projects in the UK.

  • We have a minimum loan size of £5 million
  • Our pricing is currently gilts +40bps (40bps lower than PWLB certainty rate)
  • We offer terms of up to 50 years

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Our focus

We lend to local authorities delivering economic infrastructure projects in our five priority sectors: clean energy, transport, waste, water and digital.

In the Local Authority function we have a particular ambition to work with local authorities delivering building decarbonisation, heat networks, green transport and mixed infrastructure projects. 

Read more about our areas of focus in our local authority advisory and lending strategy update

Why speak to us

Flexible borrowing terms

We offer the option to:

  • stagger drawdowns that can be matched to project payment milestones during an initial availability period
  • take a repayment holiday that allows the borrower to roll interest payments into the principal of the loan during the early phases of the project
  • sculpt repayment profiles that match principal and interest payments with the cashflows of the project

Independent project review

Our approval process:

  • provides an independent view of a project’s viability
  • can be completed in 10-12 weeks and timed to align with the borrower’s internal governance processes
  • leverages local authorities’ business case process to minimise the burden on the borrower

Efficient pricing

We offer:

  • current pricing of gilts + 40bps (40bps lower than the Public Works Loan Board in most cases)
  • the option to fix borrowing costs at financial close or at individual drawdowns
  • loans without any arrangement or commitment fees

If you would like to discuss your infrastructure project and explore how we may be able to assist, please contact the team.

If you have a project that you would like to discuss with us please get in touch