
The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for providing leadership, setting strategic direction, reviewing the performance of management, and ensuring that the obligations to the shareholder and other stakeholders are understood and met.

Chris Grigg

Chair of the Board and Chair, Nominations Committee

Chris Grigg - Chair of the Board and Chair, Nominations Committee

Chris brings extensive business and finance leadership to the Bank. He served as the CEO of British Land for eleven years until November 2020, where amongst other things he oversaw large scale property development projects. See more

John Flint

Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer

John Flint

John is a banker with a wealth of experience in the industry. He is the former Group Chief Executive of HSBC, a company with which he spent 30 years, having first joined them in 1989 as a graduate trainee. See more

Annie Ropar

Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer

Annie Ropar

Annie joined the Bank as Chief Financial Officer in September 2022, moving to Leeds from Toronto, Canada. From 2018 to 2021, Annie was one of the first employees of the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB), joining as its inaugural Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer. See more

Elena Ciallie

Shareholder Representative Director

Elena Ciallie

Elena is an Executive Director of UK Government Investments Limited, having joined the organisation in October 2020. See more

Bridget Rosewell CBE

Senior Independent Director and Chair, Audit and Risk Committee

Bridget Rosewell

Bridget Rosewell is an experienced director, policy maker and economist, with a track record in advising public and private sector clients on key strategic issues. See more

Tania Songini

Non-Executive Director and Chair, Remuneration Committee

Tania Songini

Since 2015 Tania Songini has built a portfolio of Non-Executive Director roles including companies such as the Private Infrastructure Development Group (a development finance fund for infrastructure projects in Africa and Asia), Thrive Renewables, Guernsey Electricity and the Energy Systems Catapult. See more

Nigel Topping

Non-Executive Director

Nigel Topping

Nigel Topping brings a unique mix of experience in running manufacturing businesses in UK regions and working on the industrial transformation to the zero-carbon economy. See more

Marianne Økland

Non-Executive Director

Marianne Økland

Marianne Økland currently serves as Lead Director on the Board of Scorpio Tankers Inc, as a Non-Executive Director of Norse Atlantic Airways, and as an independent director on the Professional Welsh Rugby Board responsible for the Welsh national teams and professional regional teams. See more

Muriel Dube

Non-Executive Director

Muriel Dube

Muriel is a former Investment Banker at Investec Plc and has over two decades executive and non-executive director experience. Before this, she served as a director in the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (South Africa), as chief negotiator for the South African Government in major international climate negotiations and as the Africa representative on the United Nations Expert Group on Technology Transfer. See more

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