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Our strategy and sector snapshots
While our first Strategic Plan, published in 2022, remains the basis of our approach, a series of updates were published in 2023.
Our strategy update for private sector investments sets out more detail about our approach to tackling infrastructure financing challenges, and the areas in which we see opportunities to solve problems.
Our Local authority lending and advisory strategy update provides new detail on our local authority advisory services and lending offer, as well as the areas in which we are building our expertise in response to demand: retrofit, heat networks, transport and place-based growth
Our strategy update identified seven areas in which we see opportunities to tackle infrastructure financing problems. All can deliver on our triple bottom line and are significant parts of government’s ambition for the net zero transition and support local growth.
We have published a document focusing on each of these areas, setting out our current view of the market, the problems we want to solve and how we can help. Our approach will adapt as market conditions change. The Bank is not limited to these areas, and we encourage all projects that meet our investment principles to contact us.